BBAW: The Books I Bought Because of Other Bloggers

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I’ve been blogging a for a little over two years now, and I think it’s safe to say that most of the books I read or add to my TBR are as a result of other bloggers. Together, you guys have completely dashed any ideas I ever had of ‘keeping up’ with my reading. And I have loved every minute of it.

BUT… yesterday, in an attempt to name you all, I got completely bogged down and overwhelmed, because there are just so many of you and I didn’t want to leave anyone out. So, I had to come up with a twist that would allow me to simplify.

I don’t buy a lot of shiny new books. Most of my book-buying happens at book sales and used book stores. I also use the library a lot. So, buying brand new books is significant in my life. Here are some of the books I have bought recently and the bloggers who are to blame for it:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMeasuring the World by Daniel Kehlmann

TJ at My Books Strings is hosting 12 Germans in 2016 this year, and this is the book I want to read for it. It caught my attention when she first posted about it. Since then, however, I found out that I wouldn’t be able to get it through my library, because our ILL program is temporarily shut down, so I panicked and bought the book instead. I’m ready when you are TJ!



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABone & Bread by Saleema Nawaz

This book was also a panic-purchase. Bone & Bread is on the Canada Reads list this year, but I can’t get it from the library (same story). I tried to determine how important it was that I read this one, and based on Laura’s video review, I came to the conclusion that it was worth buying. I’ll be curious to see if I feel the same way about it as she did.



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhen Books Went To War by Molly Guptill Manning

Eva at The Paperback Princess reads a lot of nonfiction. She reads a lot of other things, too, but as a non-nonfiction reader (new term?), I find her numbers of nonfiction impressive, and her selection juicy and tempting. When Books Went To War is one that just looked too good to pass up. (Eva’s review)



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Anthony Marra

Because of Carolyn’s love for this book, I bought it long ago with every intention of getting to it right away. But it has been about 18 months now since I bought it. Maybe it’s the assurance that it will always be there for me, or maybe it’s my excessive and compulsive use of the library – I don’t know. But I will try very hard to read it this year. Really I will. (Carolyn’s review)




Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift Of Wings by Mary Henley Rubio

I met Sarah Emsley during the Green Gables Readalong that I participate in last year, and I might have mentioned my failure to find a good biography of Lucy Maud. So she recommended this one to me, and I’m delighted with it. It’s big and fat and full of good stuff. If you love anything Jane Austen, LM Montgomery, or Edith Wharton, head on over to her blog!


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABorn To Walk by Dan Rubinstein

I love walking, so when this book came out I so badly wanted to read it. I thought it might be a good one to buy, but was still waffling until I saw it on Tanya’s Best of 2015 list. That was the little push I needed.





OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACreation by Katherine Govier and Sisters In the Wilderness by Charlotte Gray

After I read The Signature of All Things, I put out a request for recommendations of fiction that include a mix of history and science. Buried In Print, who has become my CanLit mentor, suggested Creation (having not yet read it herself, I don’t think), and because I had been eyeing it before and read that it was about Audubon’s trip to the passage between Newfoundland and Labrador, I bought it. I’ve already been dipping in and out of this one. It’s a slow, quiet read so far with a lot of beautiful nature writing. A good one to own, so that I can take my time if I want.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’ve also bought Sisters in the Wilderness, because in Buried In Print’s review of The Massey Murder, she mentioned that Sisters in the Wilderness was one of the first nonfiction books she started recommending as loudly as she recommends fiction. It will fit in well with Roughing It In the Bush by Susanna Moodie, which I’m reading this month with TJ and CJ.




OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim

Kim at Reading Matters is devoting 2016 to reading only Australian books, and I have been adding quite a few of them to my reading list. By the end of the year, we’ll all be rolling in Australian book suggestions. But The Enchanted April ended up on my buying list when I saw it on her Best of 2015 list right after a friend recommended it to me. I might have forgotten all about it if I hadn’t seen it there. A happy coincidence.



All these books better be good, or I will know who to blame. 🙂

What books have you bought recently because of another book blogger?

42 thoughts on “BBAW: The Books I Bought Because of Other Bloggers

  1. Alex says:

    Oh bother! Someone else mentioned ‘The Constellation of Vital Phenomena’ to me when it first came out and I really did mean to read it then. Somehow, though, it got lost amongst all those other recommendations and I manage dot forget about it. Now that you’ve reminded me I have absolutely no excuse not to get round to it – except of course, the fact that our local library has stopped buying books altogether.

    • Naomi says:

      The problem with new books coming out is that the old ones that we haven’t read yet get forgotten about so easily. We just need the writers to slow down so we can keep up!

  2. The Paperback Princess says:

    Thanks for the link! I want to read that Charlotte Gray book! I loved The Massey Murder. And you HAVE to read the LM Montgomery bio. It’s incredible. It completely changed the way I looked at her – but not like that time I read about Roald Dahl ;).
    I can’t wait to hear what you think of When Books Went to War – it’s so little! A great beginner’s foray into non-fiction which is (often) SO GOOD. (I’m reading Ghettoside right now and having suuuuch a hard time with it. I can’t decide if it’s the subject matter or the way it’s written or what. I should love this one!)

    • Naomi says:

      I’ve read all the PEI years of the LMM book, but stopped there to read something else and haven’t gone back yet. But, I loved every sentence. It’s amazing to finally get to know the real her.
      I read a review about The Ghettoside once, and the person was talking about what they didn’t like about it, but now I can’t remember who it was. If I think of it, I’ll let you know. I think TJ at My Book Strings wrote a review about it, but hers was mostly positive.

  3. Carolyn O says:

    I’m touched! And hey, no judgment on buying a book and then letting it sit for a few months (or years)—that’s the reason I have hundreds of unread books at my house. That and my utter lack of impulse control. 🙂

  4. Sarah Emsley says:

    I’m so glad you’re happy with the LMM biography! I haven’t read any of the other books you list here, and I’m always interested in your recommendations. Do you know, I don’t actually own The Gift of Wings myself. Shocking, I know, because I do feel that it’s essential to any LMM collection. I read a library copy when it first came out, but I really must buy one.

  5. TJ @ MyBookStrings says:

    I am so happy to be on this list! Measuring the World will get its turn in April; good to know that Susan liked it. (I like your cover better than my cover, by the way). I’m also happy to hear that the content of Creation apparently matches its beautiful cover. I have that book hiding somewhere. And finally, I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about Roughing It.

    • Naomi says:

      Thanks! I love the idea that books went to war, and helped to win it! What a nice thought. Now, if only we could get them to help prevent wars from happening…

  6. Heather says:

    ‘When Books Went to War’ sounds AMAZING!!!! And there are a bunch of other books on here I’d like to check out.
    I love this post – one of the best things about blogging is that we are never short of anything to read!

    • Naomi says:

      Thanks, Heather! I agree – finding out about new-to-us books is one the best parts of book blogging. I wish getting them all read could be just as easy!

  7. priscilla says:

    I have had A Constellation of Vital Phenomena on my TBR list, I think, since it came out. All the rest of these are new to me and now I want to add them all to the wishlist. So thanks…thanks a lot, book pusher! 🙂

  8. Kim@Time2Read says:

    Great post! Most of the books I read are also the result of blogger recommendations. I’m sure it would be an overwhelming task to try to sort through who recommended what. But I do remember enough to know which bloggers have similar tastes to mine so that I can trust their recommendations.

    • Naomi says:

      I also have my trusted few. Actually, more like a dozen. It really is amazing how well you get to know other bloggers’ tastes. And then there are the ones whose reviews are entertaining even if I don’t end up reading the same books, as well as the ones who introduce me to ones I’ve never heard of.

  9. The Cue Card says:

    Other bloggers have enticed me to pick up Adichie’s books and I’m reading Americanah now and also Crummey’s novel Sweetland last year. What goes around, comes around eh?

  10. ebookclassics says:

    I think I will try to read Sisters in the Wilderness this year too. Any progress on Roughing It? I’m having a break too. It’s good, but I find it difficult to stay engaged. Also, I’m reading My Brilliant Friend and that has me completely absorbed. 🙂

    • Naomi says:

      I have less than 100 pages to go in Roughing It. I had put it down for a while to read another book, but then realized it was almost the end of February and picked it back up again yesterday. I really like it, but it’s long and it’s an easy one to put aside for a while, because it reads kind of like a bunch of related stories.
      I highly recommend the chapter called The Little Stumpy Man – priceless!

  11. Claire 'Word by Word' says:

    So many of my reads are due to the recommendations of bloggers, I just read Han Kang’s stunning Human Acts thanks to the recommendation of Naomi at The Writes of Women and I read the cult classic Two Serious Ladies by Jane Bowles in January, because Belleza invited me to join her readalong, and so many more, it’s why I don’t like to plan my reading too much, I love finding out about great books from blog reviews.

    • Naomi says:

      And it’s the reason that my plans to try to read my own books get bowled over all the time – because of all the great books I hear about from other bloggers! I could have gone on forever if I included all the ones I’ve read from the library. Thanks for sharing a couple of examples from your own reading, Claire!

  12. Christy says:

    The Enchanted April was also a blogger recommendation for me. Lovely book. And last year, I read a book that was one of those that “went to war” – Our Hearts Were Young and Gay by Cornelia Otis Skinner and Emily Kimbrough.

  13. Read Diverse Books says:

    Stumbled upon this older post of yours.
    Once I have been around long enough and I will be able to create my very own version of this post. I’ll be sure to include you for recommending The Book of Negroes!

    It’s good to see you buying some of your books! haha. That’s still the only way I get my books – besides ARCS and review copies, of course.

    • Naomi says:

      Oh yes, I do buy some books. I like to support writers as far as my wallet will allow me. 🙂
      From the way things are going, I don’t think it will be long before you can write your own post about this!

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