2018 Scotiabank Giller Prize Winner

It’s been a couple of weeks since the big Scotiabank Giller Prize announcement, and I am behind on my wrap-up post for this event. So, if you’re sick of hearing about the Giller Prize by now, by all means, tune out. However, because I have done this the past two years on my blog, I would really like to keep it consistent. (For myself… because I’m funny that way.)

In case you don’t follow Kevin from Canada’s blog, where we announce our shadow winners, I like to mention it here as well…

Congratulations to Songs for the Cold of Heart by Eric Dupont for winning the Shadow Giller Prize! We all scored this book the highest. If you want more detail on how we went about it, visit Kevin’s blog.

The big question is, did the official jury agree with us? No, they didn’t.

Congratulations to Washington Black by Esi Edugyan for winning the 2018 Scotiabank Giller Prize! Also an excellent book and worthy of the prize.

Here are the links to my reviews of all the shortlisted books from the list this year.

If you would like to watch it for yourself, you can find it here – the full gala, hosted by Rick Mercer.

And, of course, you can visit the Scotiabank Giller Prize site for information on the finalists, the longlisted books and authors, the jurors, as well as past nominees, winners, and jurors.

I had a lot of fun with this again, and would like to thank my other jury members for continuing the enthusiasm for this prize: Kim, Alison, and Marcie. Thanks you!

One more thing… Marcie did a bang-up job writing about the good and the ugly of the Giller list, or any literary prize list for that matter. Go read it! Then tell us what you think about literary prizes.

What do you think of the Giller winner this year?  

26 thoughts on “2018 Scotiabank Giller Prize Winner

  1. Diana @ Thoughts on Papyrus says:

    I cannot wait to read Washington Black. I have heard so much good things about it now, and many of its book covers are just amazing.

  2. Debbie Rodgers @Exurbanis says:

    As you know, I’m only moderately warm on this year’s winner, but it is the only one of the short-list that I’ve read, so I’m not really in a position to judge. I continue to be intrigued by the Shadow Jury’s winner. Thanks to you and your fellow jury members for all your hard work reading and reporting on all of the nominees!

    • Naomi says:

      Thanks, Debbie! I don’t know for sure what you’d think of Songs for the Cold of Heart, but I loved it and I’ve been recommending it to everyone!

  3. buriedinprint says:

    I was happy to see Washington Black take home the prize as I thought it was an amazing combo: both well-crafted and entertaining.

    Admittedly, for a good chunk of Dupont’s book, I simply loved the story and that alone wouldn’t have been enough to edge it past Edugyan’s in my mind. Even though the idea of multiple story-telling voices was impressive too.

    But, when I got into the second half of Dupont’s novel and recognized what else he was up to (besides just spinning a great yarn), I had to reconsider. (I could be more specific but I don’t want to risk spoilers about what and when things happen and how layers are revealed.)

      • buriedinprint says:

        And I know you’ve already said this (maybe on my post?!) but I would happily reread the Dupont too. The Edugyan too, but for different reasons – I would like to admire the clever bits I missed when I was paying attention to Wash’s adventures – with the Dupont I would like to just fall into it all over again (without having to pay attention to all the Madeleines and without having to choke on my tea over all the surprise tragedies)!

  4. Kristilyn says:

    I haven’t read ANY of the books on the shortlist this year though I intended to read them after last year’s Giller award show. In fact, I’m still catching up on last year’s Giller shortlist! lol. I had the Dupont book on hold at the library and forgot to pick it up so now I have to wait again, but I’ve heard such good things about it. I’ve only read one of Esi’s books so maybe I’ll pick hers up at Costco if it’s still there …

  5. annelogan17 says:

    I really enjoyed your write-ups (and the rest of the Shadow Giller Jury), I think it adds of the fun of this prize! And I’m like you, I really try to be consistent, even if it’s for no one else buy myself LOL

    As you know I really enjoyed Washington Black, and I can’t believe she’s written two giller winners AND had two kids. Especially considering the topics discussed in Sheila Heti’s book, (being a mother somehow making it harder to be an artist) I think she deserves this prize twofold!

  6. The Cue Card says:

    I just finished Washington Black and loved it. Such wondrous storytelling & I liked all the science gadgets too. I was interested in the story & characters and thought it was very accessible: a linear narrative for once! If you all thought that the Eric Dupont book was better …. then I must get to it. It must be good if it can beat Wash Black. Hmm.

    • Naomi says:

      I’m so glad you liked it. They are both good! But, yes, if at all possible, do read Songs for the Cold of Heart. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

  7. lauratfrey says:

    I totally get the consistency thing. I’m the only one who cares, and that’s ok!

    I was disappointed in the result, as I’m not a big fan of Edugyen’s writing style. I love that you, the shadow jury, who I see as representing “real” readers (not that the jury are “fake”, but they probably have different agendas) made the correct choice. Ive become an evangelist for this book!

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