Canadian Books on the International Dublin Literary Award Longlist 2019

This year there are 12 Canadian books on the 2019 International Dublin Literary Award longlist.

The ones I have read:

Brother by David Chariandy – winner of the 2017 Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize and longlisted for the the 2017 Scotiabank Giller Prize (my review)

Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson – shortlisted for the 2017 Scotiabank Giller Prize (my review)

Next Year For Sure by Zoey Leigh Peterson – longlisted for the 2017 Scotiabank Giller Prize and Lambda Literary Award nominee (my review)


The Greatest Hits of Wanda Jaynes by Bridget Canning – nominated for the Margaret and John Savage First Book Award (my review)

American War by Omar El Akkad – nominee for the 2017 Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize, the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, and the 2018 CBC Canada Reads competition (my review)


The ones I haven’t read: 

Uncertain Weights and Measures by Jocelyn Parr  – a finalist for the 2017 Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction (review at Buried in Print)

Little Sister by Barbara Gowdy review at the Quill & Quire

The Last Beothuk by Gary Collins – review at The Miramichi Reader


First Snow, Last Light by Wayne Johnston – review at the Quill & Quire

All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai – review at Maple Books


Lost in September by Kathleen Winter – finalist for the 2017 Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction (review at Quill & Quire)

Dragon Springs Road by Janie Chang – review at Maple Books


Have you read any books on the longlist? Any thoughts/predictions/wishes? 

Canadian books on the 2018 International Dublin Literary Award Longlist

Canadian books on the 2017 International Dublin Literary Award Longlist


33 thoughts on “Canadian Books on the International Dublin Literary Award Longlist 2019

  1. Debbie Rodgers @Exurbanis says:

    Wow! I’m impressed by your reading record. I haven’t read a single one although I did have First Snow, Last Light out of the library but had to return it unread because I ran out of time on the loan, AND I’ve been intrigued by The Last Beothuk.

    Thanks for winnowing that long list down to the Canadian entries.

    • Naomi says:

      I love finding out which Canadian books have made the list. And I especially love finding ones I’ve already read!
      I had Wayne Johnston’s from the library at one point as well, and had to return it. Can’t read them all!

  2. Rebecca Foster says:

    It’s such an interesting prize list, isn’t it? So long, and varied! Of these I’ve only read Brother, though I think I worked out that I’d read at least 10 from the complete list. I’m particularly interested in All Our Wrong Todays. I’ve heard mixed things about Barbara Gowdy’s books.

    • Naomi says:

      I have mixed feelings about Barbara Gowdy. I found her short stories very strange, but intriguing. I loved The White Bone. But The Romantic depressed me. I will continue to read her, though… it seems you never know what you’re going to get!

      • buriedinprint says:

        This one might make a neat comparison to A Student of Weather, Rebecca! (But not because it’s like it, more because it’s not, but weather-related all the same.) I’m with Naomi on how different they all are (although the one that I have not read is The Romantic).

  3. Kristilyn says:

    Well I know what to bump up on my reading list now – I have 5 of the books you haven’t read yet on my shelf to read! Of the ones you read I did really love Brother.

  4. A Life in Books says:

    This is one of the most interesting prizes in the literary world, I think. I’ve read Brother and Next Year for Sure, brought back from Canada by my partner on your recommendation! Enjoyed both of them very much but Brother was my favourite.

    • Naomi says:

      Brother certainly seems to making the rounds, which is so wonderful to see. I’m so glad you liked it! (*smirks*… like I wrote it myself!)

  5. annelogan17 says:

    So interesting! I loved American War, and of course, Zoey Leigh Peterson’s book. And Brother! How amazing is that. Really good list it seems like. Jesus this is a long longlist though!

  6. buriedinprint says:

    This used to be one of my favourite prizelists to watch but I feel like I haven’t been doing a very good job of paying attention to it lately. Maybe because I’ve been reading backlisted stuff for a couple of years now so all these new titles are (mostly) slipping past me and this list reminds me of them all! I’ve read mostly the ones that you’ve read, but also the Gowdy and the Parr (thanks very much for the shoutout to my thoughts on that one). The Winter is high up my list but, then, so was her last one. Behind, behind, behind! 🙂

    • Naomi says:

      What I like most about it is that it reminds me of all of the books people were excited about last year. Most of which I haven’t read, and probably never will, but I still like to take note of them. There are also a lot on the list each year that I don’t know at all, which is also fun!

      • buriedinprint says:

        Especially because you can see that most of the Canadian picks are fairly high-profile, so you have a feeling that you’re getting a peek into the mainstream literary culture (is that any oxymoron?) of another country when you see their authors represented on this prizelist. Which is not at all helpful for the already-swelling TBR of course.

  7. The Cue Card says:

    Per your link: it says the short list comes out in April and the winner not till June 12th. That’s a long time away. Anyways, in my mind David Chariandy hit it out of the park with his novel Brother. Wow I’m a big fan now — ever since reading it. Brother should win!

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